351: Loving someone is like caring for a garden. Love it too much or too little and it dies. But love it just right and it will last forever.
352: People seldom say I love you at the right time. When they do, it’s either too early or too late when the love is already gone.
353: There are things that hurt us, but since we love the people who have hurt us so much, we learn to hide the pain at the back of our mind. So we can learn to LOVE endlessly.
354: When I tell you I love you, it doesn’t mean you have to stay. It just means I wish you would never leave.
355: It’s the presence of the soul that makes us alive but it’s the presence of LOVE that makes us want to live.
356: SOMEDAY someone might come into your life and love you in a way you always wanted. If your someday was YESTERDAY: LEARN. If its TOMORROW: HOPE. And if your someday is TODAY: CHERISH!
357: Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
358: Don’t let DOUBTS lose the magic of love because it’s not everyday that you meet the people who have the magic to let you fall in LOVE.
359: There are persons who catch our attention, a few who touch our hearts, but make way for the person you LOVE lest opportunity pass you by.
360: Stay still, be quiet and listen to your heart. Then when it speaks, get up and go where it takes you.
361: When you love, you are exposing your heart. And when your heart is exposed, you are risking it to get hurt...but then again, the happiness it brings is all worth it.
362: LOVE is not a matter of finding the right person but creating the right relationship.
363: In life there are very rare chances that you’ll meet the person you love and loves you in return, so once you have found it don’t ever let it go! The chance might never come your way again.
364: If I was given a chance to borrow your heart just for a minute, I would not guarantee to give it back in one piece because when I do, it will be with a part of me.
365: LOVE comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disappointed. To those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed. To those who need to love even though they’ve been hurt before.
366: People continue to love inspite of the pain, tears and heartbreak maybe because PAIN made them stronger, TEARS made them braver and HEARTBREAK made them wiser.
367: Falling in love is not finding the perfect person, it’s learning to love an imperfect person PERFECTLY.
368: It’s so funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love, while at the back of our minds we know that the person we truly love will always be an EXCEPTION.
369: LOVE...all my life I have to read of it, dreamed of it, waited for it, cried alone for it, needed it. In you I have found it!
370: Never rush falling in love, for love never runs out. Let love be the one to knock at your door. Besides, TRUE LOVE is worth waiting for.
Meeting someone. Getting to know the person. Understanding the person. Accepting the person. Loving the person...and remembering.
372: While I was walking, I stopped for a while and thought of things I don’t have in my life, but I suddenly realized I have you and I feel complete.
373: To LOVE someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.
374: Sometimes the love we are looking for is right in front of us, too close for the eyes to see. So close your eyes and let your heart see for itself.
375: I’ve been looking for love and I didn’t stop until the day you came into my life...and upon looking into your eyes, it’s confirmed! I finally found TRUE LOVE!
376: It's always better to have found the courage to love even if you lose it in the end rather than never found love because you were too afraid of the challenge.
377: You never lose in loving. You only lose in holding back.
378: Love is like MAGIC; the more you hide it, the more it grows. The more you suppress it, the more it shows.
379: The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love.
380: When we LOVE someone we never easily give up on that person; even if we get hurt badly, we’ll find a way to ease the pain and learn to understand and forgive. That is how love works.
381: A bell ain’t a bell unless you ring it. A song ain’t a song unless you sing it. Love in your heart wasn’t placed there to stay. Love is not love unless you give it away.
382: No love can HURT as much as the love that can never be...and no thoughts can hurt as much as the thoughts of a love that could have been.
383: Love means to love that which is unlovable or it is no virtue at all.
384: I love you FRIEND more than words can say. I love you friend, and I hope we can stay this way. I love you like a friend really should but now I love you more than a friend would.
385: There are so many stars in the sky but only some are radiant enough to catch your attention. Among those that you chose to ignore is that one star which is willing to continue shining for you, even if your glance remains elsewhere.
386: Never say you’re going to if you never will. Never talk about feelings if they are not really there. Never say “I LOVE YOU” if you don’t really care. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
387: The most important thing in life is to LOVE someone; the second is to find someone to love you; The 3rd is to have the 1st and the 2nd happen at the same time.
388: Love knows no reasons. Love knows no lies. Love defies all reasons. Love has no eyes. Love is not blind ...it sees, but it doesn’t mind.
389: You learn to like someone when you find out what makes him/her laugh but you can never truly LOVE someone until you find out what makes him/her cry.
390: Love is so easy to feel, so hard to explain. Easy to get, so hard to let go. Easy to spell, so hard to define. Yet everyone is still taking the risk.
391: LOVE isn’t like a train that when you miss, you can say, “I’ll just catch the next one.” If love is everything we think it is, then maybe it comes along only once.
392: Keep working on LOVE. You are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are but for what others have become because of YOU.
393: Love doesn’t seek what’s not there. Love accepts all pains to bear. Love that doesn’t die is love that we can’t see. Love is just waiting so please just wait for me.
394: I can’t explain why I love you. Since the day we met, the feeling is magical. All I know is you became the most important person in my life.
395: Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but what you feel and not how you let go but how you hold on.
396: The day I fell in love with you is the day I feel alive again. Thank you for bringing me back to life and giving me the reason to live.
397: People say that when love comes knocking on your door, let it in. But sometimes love comes through a back door and by the time you notice, it’s on its way out.
398: Everytime we meet, my day is complete. I can’t wait for the next day so we could meet again. Hope I’ll never wait for the next day. Hope I could be with you forever.
399: Saying I love you is important, but not enough. Love is a verb, an action word. Sometimes passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.
400: If you have reasons why you love a person, then you’re using your mind. If you love a person for no reason at all, then you’re using your HEART.
401: The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but I’m feeling that you love the person far more than you thought you could.
402: We never say GOODBYE to someone we love because no matter how hard we try, that love will always find its way back to us.
403: Love arrives on tiptoe and bangs the door when it leaves.
404: Sometimes love is ironic. It’s hard to find but easy to lose, makes you feel good but hurts you so bad, opens your eyes but makes you blind, fills up your heart then tears it apart.
405: True happiness is when you spend time with someone you truly care for and love. It is when time seems to fly so fast. Just sitting beside him/her doing nothing is a time well spent.
406: Love is like air. You never know it’s there until you feel it and you never know it’s gone until you need it.
407: The key to finding the right relationship is like most other things in life: keep trying and searching until you find the right one for you.
408: In a relationship, it is not important that both partners think the same…what is important is that they both think together...
409: When seeking a relationship, know what you want. Know what will and what won't work for you...don't settle for what won't work...anyone can get into a relationship anytime they want if they lower their standards enough...
410: When you value yourself the most, you are best suited to add value to a relationship.
411: Love is Patient. 412: Love is kind. 413: Love does not envy.
414: Love does not boast. 415: Love isn’t proud.
416: Love is not rude. 417: Love is not self-seeking.
418: Love is not easily angered.
419: Love does not keep record of wrongs.
420: Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
421: Love always protects, always trust, always hopes and always perseveres.
422: Why do I love you? I can’t count the reasons. I can’t tell why. I just know and feel that since the day I met you, my heart started beating and my moments became special.
423: Choose one "small thing" to do for your lover today...flowers, a card, dinner…do it without being asked and enjoy doing it. See the results!
424: It's ok to disagree with someone you love...how you disagree makes all the difference. Disagree with respect for the other person's opinion whether or not you think it's right.
425: The bad times can strengthen a relationship if both persons are willing to make a commitment to do whatever it takes to work on the problems and learn from the bad times.
426: Sometimes in a relationship one partner will see someone else and think "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence." But you can't see everything that's on the other side of the fence.
427: Love hurts, love heals, love abounds...the secret is to enjoy it and learn from it...
428: Love has its time, season and own reasons! You can’t ask it to stay, you can only embrace it as it comes and be glad for a moment in your life it was yours.
429: Love is not how much you can get but how much you can give...it’s not about giving up but holding on, not about how you say I love you, but how you prove it’s meaning.
430: It’s hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds...but when these two different worlds collide and become one...that’s what you call MAGIC!
431: If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.
432: Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it’s what you are expected to give...which is everything.
433: LOVE does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
434: It hurts to see the one you love walk away from you but what really hurts the most is when they let you believe that they loved you but they really never did!
435: Find ARMS that will HOLD you at your WEAKEST, EYES that will SEE you at your UGLIEST, a HEART that will love you at your WORST. Once you have found it...you found TRUE LOVE.
436: Today stretch out your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those whom you can give it easily to but to those who need it so much.
437: You may not see me the way I see you. You may not care for me the way I care for you. You may feel nothing for me even if I fell so much for you and you may never ever love me even if I’ll always be here...loving you.
438: Love and stars are alike, they both add different colors in your life. We don’t usually see them but we take them for granted. In case you see one falling, catch it for you may not see it again.
439: It’s sad to let a good love pass you by just because you’re too scared to be hurt. One great love comes only once in a lifetime. It may not last forever, but it’s the best you could find.
440: Last night I wanted to write you a letter but all I could write was… “I noh ss!w !” It didn’t make any sense till you read it upside down.
441: It’s tough to stay SINGLE in this world where everybody expects you to be with someone. But staying single is not about having no choice rather than opportunity to make intelligent choices.
442: How can I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is that I miss someone I was never with? And I ask...why I love someone whose love was never mine?
443: It’s hard to live alone. It’s harder to choose someone you could love. But the hardest part of loving is to admit that you have fallen in love with someone you didn’t mean to love. Love from the start…
444: If you want to catch a butterfly, don’t run after it. Instead, sit down and open your mind. It will just land on your palm when it needs to rest. That’s the way to find love.
445: I miss you when there’s no reason. How much more if there was? I miss you when we talk. How much more if we don’t? I miss you after we’re together. How much more if I see you never? I miss you now, how much more later.
446: Don’t force yourself to fall in love just because you think its your turn. Wait for a while, maybe cupids just having a hard time searching for the heart that deserves the kind of love you can give!
447: Life is like a game. Sometimes we miss and get hurt. But life doesn’t end when our heartaches begin. It only ends when we give up and stop believing.
448: Love is not wondering how long it will last but how beautiful you can make it grow.
449: To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.
450: Love is spoken not by the tongue, but by the heart. And heard not by the ears, but by the soul.
451: Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again
tomorrow? And the day after that? Because I’ll be loving you every single day of my life.
452: The best description of LOVE was Y.O.U.!
Y-ou’re kind hearted
O-verwhelming and
That’s what I see in you…
453: Don’t let me walk alone, I want to walk by your side. Don’t let me talk to someone else, it’s you I want to talk with. Don’t let me fall for someone else, it’s you I fell in love with.
454: I promised not to love someone because I’m not ready yet, then you came into my life and all has changed. I left my promise untrue because I can’t help the fact that I’m beginning to fall for you.
455: Wishing you’re here with me because you’re far from me. Hope you’re thinking of me because I’m thinking of you and I hope you’re fine because I care for you.
456: Love is not composed of feelings and emotions. It is what you believed deep inside your heart. Whatever happens GOD would make it last forever.
457: Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches you until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong.
458: Our heart is small compared to the world but sometimes hearts are harder to explore than the world for it maybe small but a lot secret treasures can be found in it.
459: I can’t tell you I care, I can’t tell you my feelings but I know it’s there. I can’t tell you I want to say, I can’t tell you I love you because you might go away.
460: DUTY may make us do things well, but LOVE makes us do them beautifully!
461: Someone misses you, needs you, worries about you, lonely without you, loves you, simply me!
462: Apathy is the saddest feeling of life, for when no one cares a soul is starved of its most precious nourishment--love, both in the giving and receiving.
463: Courtesy brings sweetness to life and makes relationships simply wonderful. Try it--you'll love it.
464: Never condemn or criticize the negative attitude of the one you love, but rather the act. Then always express your love and appreciation towards the person.
465: Love isn't love until you give it away.
466: True love cannot be found where it does not exist nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
467: A memory of true love is like a favorite song; no matter how many times it plays again, you never get tired of it.
468: True love is knowing a person's faults, and loving them even more for them.
469: True love is when you're still dancing, long after the
music has stopped.
470: Once you find Your true love, your heart will know it because it will always leave a feeling inside of you that never goes away.
471: I never felt true love until I was with you, and I never felt true sadness until you left me.
472: Love is like a hunger, a food that is always needed, true love will fill the soul!
473: True love only comes once in a life time, so take it as it goes and enjoy every bit of it while it is still burning strong.
474: Only a person who has not felt true love can move on in life saying “There are lots of other fish in the sea.”
475: A person can be in love with someone forever till the end of time. But if that person doesn't tell or show the feelings of love, it will be just another person living in a dream, lost of true love.
476: In life, there are many roads, and there is one known as love. When you come to the end of this road, you have found true love.
477: True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, with the knowledge that you might never see him again. But you know he'll be in your mind and heart forever…
478: So many times I thought I would never find someone to love me the way I needed to be loved. Then you came into my life and showed me what true love really is!
479: If their smile warms your heart, embrace eases you, and kiss distills all wrong done to man, then you know that you have found true love.
480: True love can not be expressed in words or deeds, only in time can you show true love.
481: Love is one, not one in a million, not one of a kind. When you find true love with someone, there's only one. Love is one.
482: True love is not for a second, but for eternity.
483: True love should be lived like an unperfect circle that has its bumps but never ends.
484: True love is not something that comes everyday, follow your heart, it knows the right answer.
485: It may take a lifetime to find true love, but when you do, you will have an eternity to share it.
486: If you never had a broken heart, you have not yet experienced true love.
487: True love can never be too strong or too dull, it can only be just right.
488: Nothing compares with the finding of true love, because once you do your heart is complete.
489: Some people say that when you are in love, you must
always hold hands. But when it's true love, you don't need to because you just know that the other hand will always be there.
490: Never have I been so surrendering to a feeling....I must admit this is sweet surrender…this is true love.
491: True love is when you love a person more than you love yourself.
492: Go ahead and say it-I love you- you can say it a thousand times. But true love doesn't need to be told. It is felt.
493: If love is so important to have that one doesn't want to lose it, why is it when we find true love we often don't notice it?
494: True love is like a rainbow in the sky who always have different colors.
495: True love is unconditional and everlasting, it is established over time and validated with memories of the past.
496: If you really love someone, you're willing to let go even if it hurts so bad. And when he/she comes back to you, that's TRUE LOVE.
497: Countless words, nor countless actions could ever define my feelings for you. True love defies definition.
498: If loves divine, true love you are. If love art mine, then mine you are.
499: True love comes but once. Grab it while you can, for when it will never pass again.
500: True love is something you feel deep inside, a feeling that you find impossible to hide.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
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